Breaking news
  1. Portugal and Macau establish strategic partnerships with World Cyber Arena
  2. SaintJohn and Tiësta rise to the 1st Hearthstone Division of ESPLeague
  3. EVO 2016 Recap by Wilson ‘Twinblade’ Ferreira
  4. Thank you Alejandro Alguacil !!!
  5. Grow uP Gaming Association with a big presence in the World Championship!


As eSports become a larger and more present phenomenon, it’s important to be connected to the University world, and above it all to a prestiged University like “Universidade Católica”, who we collaborate with in several areas, including Psychology.

In an ever expanding process of internationalization of our Association, we’ve established a straight cooperation with the Young Businessman Association in Portugal and China, so we can develop and streamline our association in Asia.

The Portuguese language is part of a large market to create synegies between different countries that speak both Portuguese and Spanish, and as such we’re members of the Sino-PLPE federation.

For a few years now, we’ve been getting some support from IEFP, providing our associates with the opportunity to get a paid internship inside our association.

With the creation of the Player Support department, not only internally but also external to the association, and due to being members of the IPDJ since 2011, we’re on the “CUIDA-TE” program which aims to develop free support to young people that are addicted to videogames, and to provide their parents and families more information about the benefits and perils of playing videogames.

As an association, we are part of the Juvenil National Registry of Associations (RNAJ) since 2011, within the Portuguese Institution of Sports and Youth (IPDJ), while also currently being the only inserted and known Portuguese eSports association.

To credibilize the work developed in the area of psychology and provide accreditation of the internships developed in this area, we have signed a protocol of cooperation with the Order of Psychologists.